Reverend Jennifer Brown
Reverend Jennifer Brown is a stellar example of a woman who trusts God. She has been married for forty-five years and is the proud mother of two sons and one grandson.
Reverend Brown began her ministerial journey as a pastor of ten members in Waterloo, SC. The size of the church did not hinder her call to serve God and God’s people. She understood that great things can come forth from humble beginnings.
In October 2021, Reverend Brown preached the Annual Sermon for the Piedmont Annual Conference. The following month, she became the pastor of Cypress Chapel AME Church, a major appointment in the Abbeville-Greenwood District. She is the first female pastor in the church’s 155-year history.
In addition to her pastoral responsibilities, Reverend Brown serves as the Chair of the Finance Committee for the Abbeville-Greenwood District, Treasurer for the Piedmont Conference Women in Ministry, and the Coordinator of the Piedmont Conference Prison Ministry (Leath Correctional Institution for Women).